
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Rocket Science For Dummies

I admit it. Despite having a blog all about space I actually know very little about the actual mechanics of space. That is why I am on a never ending quest to learn as much as I can about space and the mysteries it holds. I’m proud to say that Neil Degrasse Tyson’s Death By Black Hole was the first non-fiction book I ever finished of my own free will. The reason I finished it? It was fascinating!! Who knew that there are creatures who can survive at -328 degrees F? Or that the reason the ultra-violet radiation from the sun is bad for you is because it is literally decomposing your skin? Learning about space is really fun and I think that is because it is unlike what one hears in their everyday life. 
Funny Poster
Courtesy of

When I sit down to read one of my many, many, many, many space related books I can never put them down. The topics fascinate me. Right now I am reading about parallel worlds. How cool is that? Did you know that there could be another one of you and me in a parallel world? And that’s not science fiction? 

Now this post is all about rocket science. Rocket science is the how. How do we get a rocket into space? How do we put a lander on the moon or on Mars.  How? How? How? That is what rocket scientists do. They design the crafts that leave earth’s atmosphere and go exploring. They are the explorers of tomorrow because they are exploring the one place humans haven’t gone all over, space. Humans are explorers by nature. We are curious and that, for the most part, is a good thing. That is why rocket science is so cool! They design the crafts that will go “where no man (ahem, human) has gone before.”

Now, I can’t teach you all about the astrophysics of rocket science because I am not an astronautical engineer, (which, by the way, is the technical name for a rocket scientist) but what I can do is give you links to some of my all time favorite space books that have taught me about space. 

Emma’s Favorite Space Books:

By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

By Brian Greene

By Michio Kaku

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