
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spring Has Sprung, The Rockets Are Flying

The grass is turning green. The flowers are coming up. Core testing is starting. We all know what that means, spring is in the here! There are lots of reasons to be excited for spring. It means that school is almost out, it’s time for shorts and dress and skirts again and spring also means that those of us who are space fans can launch our model rockets!

I was first introduced to model rockets last summer. I launched my first one last August. The first step was assembly. It was really fun to see how all the pieces went together to make a rocket. The next part, and what I think is the best part, was launching the rocket. I was super astonished by this particular rocket which went up 1025 feet in the air. It was super cool and amazing! It went all the way up into a cloud! 
My friend and I launching my first rocket!
I’m super excited for spring this year because I get to launch a rocket that I got for my birthday. It’s super cool because it has two accompanying space shuttles that fly off it after lift off. It won’t go quite as high because it is bigger and heavier but it should still be really cool. 

My rocket that is ready for launch!
I also have a really cool rocket that is designed so that instead of parachuting down it will use a built-in helicopter rotor to slowly descend. I still have to build that one. Then I can have a rocket launching day where I launch multiple rockets, multiple times! What fun!
My rocket collection!
In other rocket related news the Antares rocket is set for launch tomorrow. It is a significant launch because the Antares rocket will be the second completely privately made rocket are those made by SpaceX.

I hope that you all have a wonderful spring! If you feel so inclined you can purchase high-quality model rockets here.

1 comment:

  1. This is cool Emma! You'll have to take pictures of your rocket going off next time! I'm excited for next week's post!
