
Friday, March 29, 2013

Star Trek vs. Science

Star Trek Enterprise
Photo Courtesy of

Announcing the battle of the eon! It’s the devices and physics in Star Trek versus the hard, facts of science. Who will win? Well, the science battle of a lifetime is coming up next. I am about to pit the devices and concepts of Star Trek 

against the realities of science. Up first....

The Tricoder

Spock with tricorder
Photo Courtesy of
In Star Trek the doctor and other members of the landing parties would often carry a device called a tricorder. A tricorder is a device that when scanned over a person’s body can tell you all about their vital signs and chemical composition. It can also tell various features about the surrounding landscape.



The tricorder has a lot of potential. There are lots people who think that a device similar to a tricorder is the the future of healthcare. Because of the popularity of the concept there are lots of people who are aiming to create one. The X-Prize Foundation is offering prizes totaling 12.5 million for a functioning tricorder. Also there is the Tricorder Project. The Tricorder Project was started by a man named Peter Jansen. He designed a device similar to the tricorder and then gave the instructions out to the public so that all could make one. Overall, the tricorder holds lots of promise for the medical world and is a pretty realistic concept.

Warp Drive

In Star Trek whenever they need to travel far distances across space the captain will command that the warp drive be engaged. They then speed across the universe faster than the speed of light.



Many of you are probably thinking that there is no way warp drive could ever be possible. You may just be wrong. There are many physicists who are working on a way to bend the fabric of space-time and move faster than the speed of light. They propose using a device that the astronauts would sit inside that would create a bubble in space-time. 

Proposed space "bubble"
Photo Courtesy of

The astronauts inside the bubble would not feel anything different. The space in front of the ship would be expanding and the part in back contracting which would move the ship forward. So even though warp drive is currently theoretical it could become an actuality.

And the winner is.....well, really neither science nor Star Trek can win this battle. What can be said is that the future of space travel holds wonderful possibilities and the devices from Star Trek may be very helpful along the way. We can also say that when Gene Rodenberry created Star Trek he was very creative but also surprisingly realistic. I bid you farewell today with the classic Star Trek goodbye.

Live long and prosper

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