
Monday, May 13, 2013

Why Didn't The Dog Star Laugh At The Joke?

Click here to see the answer!
It was too Sirius! (Sirius is the dog constellation) Sadly this post isn't more space jokes but it does have other funny stuff to look at!

We have all watched the hit video Gangnam Style. We also all know how many awful parodies were made of it. However, there was one absolutely stellar parody that was made by NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Here it is:

Wasn’t that fabulous? I love science parodies and NASA paraphernalia. They are so cool! Another cool thing about the NASA Gangnam Style is the shirts. I don’t know if you  noticed but inside the video the dancers are wearing shirts that say keep calm and NASA on. The best part? You can buy one! 
Photo of shirts in video
Some of my other favorite science gear are funny shirts with jokes that only someone who like science would understand. Our local planetarium has some really funny ones. My favorite one that I have ever seen looked like this:
For those who can't read the little writing it says, "The element of surprise"
Courtesy of
Isn’t that fabulous? Right now in school we are taking test after test after test as we finish up the year. This means that I, along with all my classmates, am very tired and starting to snap at each other. Whenever I start to get frustrated with myself or my peers or my teachers I always look up science jokes on the internet and then start to feel better immediately. You see, science is not just good for learning about the truths and mysteries of the universe. It is also great for a good laugh or a nice inside joke. Overall science can be great fun! Sure, it can be a lot of work sometimes but the results are always either funny or amazing!  I leave you with one more funny joke so that if you get distressed during the coming tests you can come here and laugh. 

Courtesy of Micaela Berglund

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