
Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012: The Space Year in Review

Before we dive into 2013 I think it is important to look back at all the amazing accomplishments that have occurred in 2012. This year has been a big one for discoveries in space and one full of milestones regarding people and ships who have traveled there. There have been well-known astronauts who passed away, new rovers sent out to discover, and new companies pushing the boundaries of space.

Photo Courtesy of
Neil Armstrong

August 5, 1930- August 25, 2012

This year the nation and world were saddened to hear that Neil Armstrong had passed away. Neil Armstrong was the first human being to ever touch another planet while in space. He is most well known for his quote, “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” Throughout his life he pushed barriers and inspired other people to reach for the stars.

Photo Courtesy of
Curiosity Rover

On August 6, 2012 the Curiosity rover touched down on Mars. This was a game changing event for the United States and the entire world since the Curiosity rover carries the most advanced scientific research tools ever present on Martian soil. The discoveries that it has made and the discoveries that it will make are and will be influential for the future of space flight.

If you are interested in learning more about the Curiosity rover click here.

Photo Courtesy of
Sally Ride

May 26, 1951- July 23, 2012

The world was saddened this year when they had to say goodbye to Sally K. Ride. She was the first female astronaut in space. Sally Ride lead the way for young women who were/are interested in going into space. She had a Ph.D. in physics and was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame and the Astronaut’s Hall of Fame. Sally Ride will never be forgotten for the barriers she broke down and the doors she opened up.

Photo Courtesy of

This year SpaceX became the first commercial company to send their own space vehicle to the International Space Station. It sent its second Dragon capsule to the ISS where it docked and gave the station supplies. This is/was big news because it opens up space travel to private companies. That can mean that in the near future there will be  trips to space for the non-astronaut person and eventually even hotels and colonies.

I have already done a post about the Curiosity rover but intend to do individual posts about each of these topics so keep checking the blog for the latest posts!

Also, I would love to here what you want to see a post about! As long as it has to do with space I would be happy to try. If you have an idea leave it in the comments and I will try my hardest to do one a post about it.


  1. Hey Emma! I think it would be really cool if you wrote about some of the constellations and how they got their names! =)

  2. Hi! I agree with Allie that constellations would be really cool and interesting. :)
