
Friday, October 12, 2012

The Big Bang: The Beginning of Everything

Welcome to The Universe and U! My name is Emma, and I am so happy to get to begin blogging about all the cool things that are happening in and about space and how they connect to our everyday lives. 

I am fascinated and really like how blogs can be about anything! No matter what the topic is someone can write a blog about it. Blogs are unique and so much fun to look at because of their originality and creativity.

To start my blogging journey I looked around a few blogs. The first I looked at was Bill Nye’s blog. He blogs about happenings in space. Another blog I read is produced by the Hayden Planetarium. It talks about all sorts of cool aspects about space. The third and final blog I looked at is produced by NASA’a Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It was about the projects that the JPL laboratory is in charge of; like the Curiosity Rover.

The blogs I looked at gave me inspiration for my personal blog because they reinforced my excitement in space. With a blog about space there are limitless possibilities. So many cool things are being discovered everyday and they all effect everyone.

During my examination of these blogs as well as other blogs I saw in class I learned about how blogs tend to be written in a much more personal fashion than lots of other writing. Their tone is friendly and personable. Sometimes blogs are informational and sometimes they are advice giving among other topics. 

Also in my reading of these blogs I learned about how blogs can have a variety of special features. These may include different feeds, columns by many authors, and contests for their readers. All the special features in blogs add to the reasons why they are so unique.

There are so many amazing realizations about space happening everyday and I can't wait to share more about them!

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